Founded by Leonard Orr in 1971. It is a form of breath works that can assist in the releasing of pent-up emotions and also reliving memories that are suppressed or forgotten due to trauma and emotional injuries.
Development of rebirthing as a therapeutic modality in its own right started in 1974 and has been further developed from that time. Together with fellow researchers, Orr refined it into a system that can be practiced in the context of a therapy session and taught to clients over a series of sessions.
AMTCT is one of the main centers in Malaysia that promotes this form of therapy. It is non invasive. It is neither a form of touch healing nor is it hypnotherapy. It can be considered as a form of regression.
Counselling sessions are usually added together after each rebirthing sessions. Each session can last from 1 ½ Hours to 2 hours. A minimal of 10 sessions is recommended to each client.
Please call for an appointment if you like to come for a rebirthing session, attend our workshops or simply just come and find out how AMTCT™s services/courses can help you. Please call us before visiting our center and we will try our best to accommodate your time.